Thursday, May 25, 2006
Invisible bugs and crazy names!
Yo I am back... again... with another blog about our new computer game Perfect Battle Online (PBO). For the first time ever have we been working in day time. That' s right for once we didn' t bother to sit up late. Since it was a holiday both I and Staffan were free from work and what could be more fun than continue with our game!? Staffan finished the new hint function for the Map Maker. Also he hunted bugs that didn' t exist! The base suddenly stopped to shoot missiles. But it wasn' t any wrong with the code. The explanation was that Staffan had changed the sight of the bases to zero in the configuration file "GameSettings.txt" while testing new maps. The game acted perfect according to the settings, but Staffan thought it was a new bug! To edit the "GameSettings.txt" -file can be great if you easy want to change something in PBO, for example the speed of the bullets or the armor of the base. This works with or old game Perfect Battle aswell, but is more advanced in PBO. For example it is now possible to set different toughness of ships and buildings. While Staffan was bug hunting I drew some new icons and continued on the new Campaign. New names for the characters were discussed and we agreed that Bold-Gold maybe wasn' t such a funny name as I first thought. Or is it? Please comment or if you who reading this have a suggestion of your own on crazy characters for the game please let us know. We prefer if the name either is a rhyme like Attack-Jack or alitteration (same first letter) like Drunken Dilbert.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sound card trouble!
Today Staffan had a visitor. A guy needed some help installing sound drivers for his computer. We were pretty much sure we would fix it in a few minutes - one hour later the stupid computer still didn' t want to play a single tune! It was then we decided it was time for some Perfect Battle Online. Today we wanted to add a new function for the Map Maker that allowed us to connect certain hints to specific rally points on the map. Staffan started to code right away and I started to draw some new icons for the Map Maker. Staffan had already made some serious progress when my icons were ready. Then I continued to work on the new campaign, with the introduction of an all new character. Well I could tell you more about him but that would spoil the fun wouldn't it...?! But don' t worry everything will be revealed sooner or later. Anyway... this were an productive day as always... and we took a big leap forward to the future.
Marcus Lindmark (2D-grafik, webmaster, music, level design)
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Marcus Lindmark (2D-grafik, webmaster, music, level design)
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Whisky anyone?!
Once again I (Marcus) am back with a report on our progress with Perfect Battle Online! After playing some soccer and basket ball (Staffan won as usual) and eating some dinner, it was finally time. Time for not anything less than some... Whisky! Well actually we don 't usually drink when creating the game, but today was a special occasion. Anyway it really made the ideas flow when we finally started to work on the game. Staffan told me he got inspired last week of all my frustrated sighs when I was working with the mapmaker. Therefore he had fixed a whole bunch of bugs. It didn' t help much though, since fixing bugs usually generates new bugs in the process. So much time was spent on me creating a new campaign map, making new sighs, and Staffan trying to solve the new bugs that seemed to appear from nowhere. One of the more interesting ones was that the camera in the game started to follow the computer player instead of the human player. Really confusing while testing the new map. A new report coming next week. Same day same blog! See ya soon and keep playing our games, yeah! More info:
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A new campaign is born!
As usual we met up at Staffans and his wifes apartment to continue our work on Perfect Battle Online (PBO). This day it was rainy so we skipped the soccer. We ate some pasta for dinner and went right to work. Today the big issue for Staffan were to make the client computer handle the position of the tank. This would, we figured, optimize the speed for network play and creating an all together greater game experience. It took two hours for Staffan to find a solution. In the meantime I was working on the first map for the new campaign. In the process I found around five new bugs for the mapeditor. The new campaign continues were the campaign in Perfect Battle ends; with Mike Frost on a new mission. This we figured would please all our old fans of Pefect Battle, with a second chapter of the Perfect Battle saga. Still we also want new players, to quickly learn the game, so the campaign will serve as a tutorial as well. One small step for man, but a big step for Perfect Battle Online.
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