Thursday, July 03, 2008

New Review at the Freeware Addict!

Hi Guys!
The summer is finally here now in Sweden and the sun is shining brightly while I´m writing this. I will cut right to the case.

There are a new review of Perfect Battle Online on the net. It is written by Jose Stevens who tells us that "...the gameplay shines - brightly" but he also thinks that "...the controls are really disastrous". But Josh have only tried playing with the keyboard. In my opinion it is much more easy to play with the [keyboard + mouse] combination or as I prefear most - with the [Gamepad].

I also feel just a little bit offended that Josh thinks that the story is " unreal as Pamela Anderson’s boobs". I mean it is an science fiction game isn´t it? It's supposed to be unreal.

Read the whole review here:
Perfect Battle - Train your Keyboard Skills!

Keep on downloading our games! See ya!

/Marcus Lindmark

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