Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Whisky anyone?!

Once again I (Marcus) am back with a report on our progress with Perfect Battle Online! After playing some soccer and basket ball (Staffan won as usual) and eating some dinner, it was finally time. Time for not anything less than some... Whisky! Well actually we don 't usually drink when creating the game, but today was a special occasion. Anyway it really made the ideas flow when we finally started to work on the game. Staffan told me he got inspired last week of all my frustrated sighs when I was working with the mapmaker. Therefore he had fixed a whole bunch of bugs. It didn' t help much though, since fixing bugs usually generates new bugs in the process. So much time was spent on me creating a new campaign map, making new sighs, and Staffan trying to solve the new bugs that seemed to appear from nowhere. One of the more interesting ones was that the camera in the game started to follow the computer player instead of the human player. Really confusing while testing the new map. A new report coming next week. Same day same blog! See ya soon and keep playing our games, yeah! More info: www.bit2logic.com

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